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Blue, the black cat - he represents all pet cats
Brier, the wolf - he put the scar on Lucky Lesly's leg
Dado, the cicado - he is a sad poet
Dane, the pig - he represents all pet pigs
Feylo, the cat - he represented pet cats
Flower Twins - Ebbie & Enne, the sunflowers
Fundy, the ball python - he represents all pet snakes
Furee, the bumblebee - the last hero hero
General Antso, the Ant - he is the wicked Ant General
Killer Roo, the kangaroo - he is a sideshow boxer
Kin'gram, the gorilla - he is the Animal God of Earth
Kou, the cat - he represented pet cats
Lapris, the eagle - she was an Animal God of Earth
Lucky Lesly, the horse - he represents all pet horses
Mallonie, the retriever - she represents all pet dogs
Meeqa, the lil' lion - she is a sideshow performer
Mery - she was the first representative of cats
Mr. Whiskers - he represented pet cats
Nazla, the elephant - she represents all pet elephants
Princess Beejin, the honeybee - princess of Polariss
Rash, the fire ant - General Antso's right hand ant
Riigal, the rhino beetle - he represents all pet beetles
Selena, the goldfish - she represents all pet fishes
Trugg, the big bear - he is a sideshow performer
Typhoo, the lizard - he is a proxie